Barcelona Photoblog: Running Kid at Parc del Laberint, Barcelona

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May 04, 2010

Running Kid at Parc del Laberint, Barcelona

Running Kid at Parc del Laberint d'Horta, Barcelona [enlarge]

Parc del Laberint (Maze Park) in Horta is a romantic garden at the slope of Barcelona hills. The park, a very idyllic spot and highly recommended to our visitors, has been featured in Barcelona Photoblog in the past although I plan to show two or three new pictures soon. On our way to the exit my daughter Sara and I spotted this kid running against the fence full of flower vines. I told her that there might be a good capture there as she was carrying the camera. She pointed and took a whole series. This in my opinion was the best. Hope you like it too. Of course, that would make her very happy.
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