Barcelona Photoblog: Carrer Bonsuccés and Ramblas dels Estudis Corner, Barcelona

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November 09, 2010

Carrer Bonsuccés and Ramblas dels Estudis Corner, Barcelona

Carrer Bonsuccés and Rambla dels Estudis Corner, Barcelona  [enlarge]

Capturing the mood of Barcelona streets is one of the main goals of this blog. I forget more than often where the city true essence lies, in the narrow alleys and the multicultural crowd, in the bars and the artists, in the markets and the food, in the noise and the light, in the canopies and the promenades. Here is Carrer de Bonsuccés as seen from Las Ramblas. To be more precise next to Nadal pharmacy at Rambla, 121, a chemist's dating from 1850. As you can see it is a long busy street. It extends until Carrer de les Ramelleres and Plaça del Bonsuccés, from there it turns even narrower and becomes Carrer d'Elisabets till it gets to Carrer del Ángels near MACBA, the contemporary art museum of Barcelona. In the foreground, the ever present police. But why don't you walk this route on the map?
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