Barcelona Photoblog

November 30, 2008

Ladybird with Mistletoe, Christmas Present at Santa Llucia Market

Ladybird with Mistletoe, Christmas Present at Santa Llucia Market [enlarge]

This would be my humble postcard to wish a Merry Christmas to all my faithful visitors. I wish you all have a very nice month of December and a happy new year. I hope these ladybirds with mistletoe found at famous Santa Llucia market bring you all the luck this coming 2009.

November 29, 2008

Water Spouts, Portal del Angel, Barcelona

Water Spouts, Portal del Angel, Barcelona [enlarge]

Water spouts near Pignatelli Palace at Portal del Angel, Barcelona. On the tap, you can see the city coat of arms. There many in the city but these in particular I find extremely attractive. Check the place on my Google map. Here are two other previous posts showing spouts: Old Lady and Fountain and Boy Holding Frog.

November 28, 2008

A Baby's Frown

A Baby's Frown [enlarge]

I still don't know why babies make faces so often, wearing a frown like elderly people. At least that's how we interpret such gesture in Spain. We call it La Viejita (old lady). How do you call it when kids frown and they have all these wrinkles on their faces? Here is a very funny video of what they can do, although in this case the frown is somehow different to the one I meant.
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