Barcelona Photoblog

January 31, 2007

The Castle of Cardona

Remember we talked about the Spanish War of Succession, well this picture was taken in the castle of Cardona, the last redoubt of Charles VI of Austria's supporters before being occupied by Philip V's bourbonic troops in 1714. High upon a hill of the Cardona valley, known by its salt mines and near the Cardoner river, this historical romanesque and gothic castle built in 886 by Guifré el Pilós, used to be the house of the Dukes of Cardona, one of the most powerful families in the Crown of Catalonia and Aragon. 

It is a real joy to stay up there on a bright day, sitting on the grass right next to the base of the surrounding walls to look over the neighboring village and the salt mines or to climb the ramparts and explore the ruins like this sort of firing hole from where the rampart was protected. There is even a wonderful place to stay inside the castle which recommend: El Parador de Cardona.

January 30, 2007


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Today I resume my garden shots. I want those of you who are experts on botanics to find this out for me. I would like to know the name of this berry. Hey, it is not another competition. You have time enough to participate in the absolutelomo contest (I have to choose two winners now, so you see it is not that difficult to take the prize, and one thing is clear someone is going to take the Holgas). As to the berries, I took them in the garden of a hotel in Riells near Barcelona. It was early morning and the light was superb. I want to thank those of you, especially Isabella and Curly who helped me with the name of those flowers in a previous post: cyclamens. Also Ruth for suggesting the flower was a primrose in the Bird Hawk Moth post (thanks Mark for correcting my mistake). So come on lend me a hand with this one.

January 29, 2007

My Vintage Camera - Check AbsolutLomo Contest!

Vintage Camera Voigtländer Brillant

What is it with old things that they are so attractive to us after all these years? Why is retro in?. Why are vintage cameras so cool, like this rusty German Voigtländer V6 I treasure? Or why are old "communist" Russian cameras so in fashion now. 

I'm in my forties fifties and I always catch up late with the latest trends, but there's one that has come around here to stay and I go nuts about: Lomography

How many times haven't you heard - "Hey, Russian cameras are rather ugly but their optics are state-of-the-art". So this is not something new. Now our kids are going to start telling us about Holgas, Zenits, Kievs or Horizons...wait a minute, I already knew that! I already liked the typical old washed out look or had a knack for those fisheye cameras!. 

And now you wonder, why do I tell you all this?. Well, it happens that I frequently visit this web called Absolut Lomo featuring a wonderful gallery in Sweden where artists pin their lomo pictures on a wall and you can zoom in till you see each and every single lomo image at will. After one of those visits I have been invited to host a CONTEST!, yes, really!. Let me give you some details, first I give you the, "What do I get?": You get a totally free lomo camera, a Holga, and there are no minor details, no tricks, the bad news is I can only choose one winner among you but if you are not the "chosen one" you still have your wonderful lomo work hanging on the gallery wall so there is nothing to lose. It is a new kind of contest organized by Absolut Lomo (yes the same Absolut in the famous brand you all know). 

Now I give you the "What should I do?": you only have to enter Absolut Lomo, register for free, go to the "Submit to Lomo" section and upload your shot, then, and this is important so I can choose!, you send me the link to your lomo picture on the wall. That's it, and in just two short weeks any of you will be the lucky one. I send them my final veredict and they send you the camera. With a present like this who can resist to Lomography, a passionate hobby.

Update: This contest is no longer valid. And the website Absolut Lomo no longer exists. The Voigtländer though is still with me as well as the Holga which I eventually use for my Lomo photography.

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