Barcelona Photoblog

May 28, 2006

Columbus Monument in Barcelona: Silhouette

Columbus Monument in Barcelona: Silhouette

Today in Barcelona Photoblog I would like to repeat subject: Columbus Monument down Las Ramblas. It is Sunday and according to my statistics this day of the week I receive less visits, so, as apparently less people are watching I won´t indulged into long infos about Colón (you´ve got a previous Columbus post for that) and I will submit this picture of the column as seen from below in the only spot where the afternoon Sun wouldn´t ruin my photograph. You just see silhouettes but there´s something in the light that I like.

See Columbus Monument Picture on a Google Earth Map


May 27, 2006

Tibidabo Amusement Park: Roller Coaster

Tibidabo Amusement Park: Roller Coaster

Here is today's daily photo: The roller coaster at Tibidabo Amusement Park. In spite of being small it is located in such a way that you are able to see Barcelona at your feet so the sense of height increases. In the picture I tried to show the attraction and the background for you to get a better idea. Check these two other pictures: Roller Coaster A, Roller Coaster B. Some other day I will show you other Tibidabo attractions.

May 26, 2006

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau: The Holy Cross

Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau: The Holy Cross

We go back to Hospital de Sant Pau to admire the ironwork at the main gates specially this reproduction of the Holy Cross reaching for the light like a sundial. Remember that the full name is Hospital de la Santa Creu (the original medieval building in carrer Hospital which united the first six Barcelona hospitals and built back in 1401) i Sant Pau (adopted from its benefactor's christian name to refer to the new modernist complex built by Domenech i Muntaner in 1902). To find out more check previous posts: Gargoyles and Modernisme in Barcelona.

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