Barcelona Photoblog

January 07, 2018

The 4 Best Animals to Hunt in Spain

Spain is a geographically diverse country located in Southwestern Europe; its southern tip consists of the British Overseas territory of Gibraltar, with the narrow Strait of Gibraltar separating the territory from the Northern tip of Africa. Its position gives rise to a broad range of wildlife and scenery which makes Spain a fantastic country to explore, as well as an increasingly popular hunting destination.

Here is a brief guide to some of the most popular game animals found in the country.

Hunting in Spain

Gun laws in Spain are much more restrictive than the US, as is the case for most European countries, and organized hunting trips will often provide visitors with a hunting rifle. Again, like most European countries there are less restrictions on small caliber hunting weapons. If you are just visiting, then you will probably want to rent equipment rather than purchasing it. Note that prices also vary when compared to the US. In the US you can find a 9mm for sale under 200, however guns of this type are not available for purchase in Spain.

Red Deer

The Iberian red deer is smaller than its European counterpart, weighing in at somewhere between 180-220 lbs on average. Its coat is not as thick as the European variety and tends to be lighter in color. Its antlers are very fine and can have upwards of 20 points, but are not as long or as heavy when compared with European red deer. The national population is estimated to be around 350,000 and it is probably the most popular game animal in the country. The second half of September is peak hunting season for the Iberian red deer.

Fallow Deer

The fallow deer is a medium-sized deer, its shoulder height is around 36-43 inches and it weighs in at between 140-220 lbs on average. The color of its coat varies more than with most other deer species. It is a diurnal animal, meaning that it is usually active very early and very late during the day. The fallow deer has excellent senses, its vision, hearing, and sense of smell are exceptional, especially when compared to other deer. It stands out among other deer as being one of the few that barks when it is startled.


The European mouflon is one of the smallest wild sheep in the world, it has a shoulder height of around 30 inches and weighs in at under 100 lbs. Its appearance is similar to that of domestic sheep in the Unites States, the main difference being that its outer coat consists of hair with the wool being concealed beneath.

Ronda Ibex

The ibex is one of Spain’s most iconic animals and is a popular game mammal. The Ronda ibex is the smallest variety of ibex found in the country and also has the smallest horns. It is popular as a hunting target owing to its small size and agility.

Spain is an excellent location to take a hunting vacation, it offers a variety of wildlife to hunt and scenery to hunt it in.

December 31, 2017

A Toast to Catalonia for New Year's Eve 2017

Cava Pink Cups by Juve i Camps

New Year's Eve 2017 is here and it well deserves a big toast for Catalonia in a turbulent year that has not been pleasant to anyone.

No matter what your political views are, you have to agree with me that this is a beautiful land that has done great things for this country, whatever you consider your country to be. 


You may be on the Spanish side or the Catalan side. Perhaps you are somewhere in between, you feel Catalan and Spanish. You may believe in an independent republic or you may believe in a Catalonia that is part of Spain. You may trust in the Spanish constitution and its 155 article or you may not...and whatever your opinions, your beliefs you have the sovereign right to think so because this is a democracy, right? And you will certainly agree with me in that violence only generates violence, hatred only generates hatred, not only on governmental instances but at family level as well.

As I said before, Catalonia is a wonderful extension of land inhabited by extraordinary people that love to work hard to make ends meet and dream of a better society to live on so let's raise our cups in honor of our beloved territory with one of our best products Catalan cava!

Happy New Year's Eve 2017 and Happy New Year everyone!

December 23, 2017

Tuna Tataki for Christmas Main Course

Tuna Tataki served on a bone marrow by Carlos lorenzo - Barcelona Photoblog

Are you trying to come up with ideas for your Christmas main course, do you really want to surprise your family with something totally off the beaten track in these times of religion inspired celebrations?

Then why don't you go for an authentic Tuna Tataki, the Japanese way.

As you know Barcelona Photoblog works around the inspiration of an image to make up a story and I had this beautiful tuna tataki photograph I took in one of my favorite spots in the city:

The chef there surprised me with this exquisite presentation of small tuna cubes dipped in ponzu sauce adorned with wasabi pearls and some caviar served on a bone with its marrow.

I was already a fan of tataki  (Japanese たたき: "pounded" or "hit into pieces"). I remember having my best ever tataki made with almadraba tuna, in a Rio Tinto mine restaurant in Huelva. Man, was that something!!!

And so I decided to take some self teaching. I have seen the most weird recipes on the web but I fell in love with a very simple one made by a real Japanese chef, no pretentious high class cuisine stuff, who prepares the fish fast and totally for dummies. In my opinion the important thing is how to sear and slice the tuna. The following video will show you how.

 These are the only ingredients you need:
  •  Slice onions
  •  Wakame seaweed (I can skip this)
  •  Corn Oil (or Olive Oil in my case)
  •  Scallions (like a thin calçot)
  •  Cucumber
  •  Ponzu Sauce
  •  Micro green leaves like Shiso for example
  •  Tomato and a slice of lemon for decoration

Here is Hiroyuki Terada in his Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef

By the way, while you are at it, why not learning at least basic japanese Kana symbols, with the Kanji Study app for Android or for iOS. I killed a lot of time on a plane once learning this. Or perhaps you can take your first steps with Duolingo Japanese course.

Happy different Christmas everyone!

Best wishes
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