Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, is a modernist complex designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner (see my April post: Gargoyles).
The access pavilion at the intersection of carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret and carrer Cartagena is covered with exposed brickwork, and features a tower clock on top.
Inside you can admire the excellent stained glass by Mario Maragliano, a richly wrought staircase and these purple ceilings, that recall Islamic architecture.
From all the amazing things I discovered inside (when I carry my camera I am much more aware of minor details around me) I prefer this precious lamp.
Try to discover what's on top.
The access pavilion at the intersection of carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret and carrer Cartagena is covered with exposed brickwork, and features a tower clock on top.
Inside you can admire the excellent stained glass by Mario Maragliano, a richly wrought staircase and these purple ceilings, that recall Islamic architecture.
From all the amazing things I discovered inside (when I carry my camera I am much more aware of minor details around me) I prefer this precious lamp.
Try to discover what's on top.
See Hospital de Sant Pau Picture on a Google Earth Map