Surrealist elephants standing on impossible legs that remind you of Don Quixote's famelic horse Rocinante or ghostly Dumbo's pink elephants could only be imagined by the twisted and brilliant mind of the most peculiar painter of modern times, Salvador Dalí. In this shop at carrer Ferran you may buy yourself an exclusive souvenir, a Dalinian symbol to impress your friends at home. In case they ask, tell them that you bought it because you are an expert on Dali and somebody stole your "The Elephants" (1948), "the Temptation of St Anthony" (1946), "Atomica Melancholica" (1945) and/or "Triumph of Dionysus" (1953) and you miss them so much that you need a keepsake to mitigate your grief. Now that you are at it, show them the melting clock too, and suggest it helps with The Persistence of Memory (1931).
Note: I found this video: Destino (Disney/Dali) (and I thought that comparing Disney elephants with Dali's was odd and daring!)