Barcelona Photoblog

December 04, 2008

Santa Llucia Market Holy Scenes, Barcelona

Santa Llucia Market Holy Scenes, Barcelona [enlarge]

I am not used to making my own Belén, that is, to buy holy figures to recreate Bethlehem Nativity Scene. But I do enjoy watching those religious items displayed inside Christmas stalls set during Fira de Santa Llucia each year in Barcelona. Check similar posts: Holy Scenes.

December 03, 2008

Caganers inside Christmas Stall at Santa Llucia Market, Barcelona

Caganers inside Christmas Stall at Santa Llucia Market, Barcelona [enlarge]

Some important personalities detached from their normal spheres, shown in private, in the middle of such an embarrassing act: pooping. For more information check previous post: Barcelona caganers.

December 02, 2008

Cagatios at Santa Llucia Market, Barcelona

Cagatios at Santa Llucia Market, Barcelona

On top of the roof of one of those Christmas stalls at Santa Llucia market, I spotted some Cagatiós. For more information about what they are check previous post: Cagatio or Pooping Log.

December 01, 2008

Moon Lady, The Winged Goddess of Barri Gotic

Moon Lady, The Winged Goddess [enlarge]

There she was, sitting on a waning moon, the pale winged goddess, staring at me trapped behind the window of that Barri Gotic religious items store. For a moment her eyes seemed to glitter with life, begging me to please take her somewhere else. I don't know if she was the Greek, Selene or Chang'e, the mythical Chinese goddess. I don't know. She looked pretty real though, balancing in there, among a strange mixture of esoteric articles and images of saints. Should anyone see her again, do me a favor, set her free! Religious Items: Estampería San José - Carrer Boters, 7-9

November 30, 2008

Ladybird with Mistletoe, Christmas Present at Santa Llucia Market

Ladybird with Mistletoe, Christmas Present at Santa Llucia Market [enlarge]

This would be my humble postcard to wish a Merry Christmas to all my faithful visitors. I wish you all have a very nice month of December and a happy new year. I hope these ladybirds with mistletoe found at famous Santa Llucia market bring you all the luck this coming 2009.

November 29, 2008

Water Spouts, Portal del Angel, Barcelona

Water Spouts, Portal del Angel, Barcelona [enlarge]

Water spouts near Pignatelli Palace at Portal del Angel, Barcelona. On the tap, you can see the city coat of arms. There many in the city but these in particular I find extremely attractive. Check the place on my Google map. Here are two other previous posts showing spouts: Old Lady and Fountain and Boy Holding Frog.

November 28, 2008

A Baby's Frown

A Baby's Frown [enlarge]

I still don't know why babies make faces so often, wearing a frown like elderly people. At least that's how we interpret such gesture in Spain. We call it La Viejita (old lady). How do you call it when kids frown and they have all these wrinkles on their faces? Here is a very funny video of what they can do, although in this case the frown is somehow different to the one I meant.

November 27, 2008

Palamos Anchovies, A Catalan Delicacy

Palamos Anchovies, A Catalan Delicacy

Palamós is a town on Costa Brava. It belongs to Girona, another Catalan province. Palamos is well known for its prawns but another delicacy that they are very proud of is their anchovies. Although presented in different ways, it is better to buy them bottled in brine. For me these are second best to L'Escala's famous anchovies also on the same coast. I found this wonderful article that explains every detail about this wonderful Catalan product: Anchovies from Spain. I hope this food article helps to grow an appetite. I have to say that the picture was taken in a local market in Barcelona.

November 26, 2008

Anonymous Tree

Tree with fall colors

A tree is just a tree so there is not much I can say this time. I could talk all about the things that happened under this tree but never mind. Under its shade we just had lunch last fall so, big deal. There's nothing like the slumbering feeling that a good shade provokes specially when the sun is coming through the leaves. Hmm I need a hammock.

November 25, 2008

Jack Skellington's Visit to Las Ramblas, The Full Report

Jack Skellington

Jack Skellington from Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas was seen on Las Ramblas the other day trying to go incognito without success. Hordes of fans immediately spotted him, then came the press and photographers to cover the story. I was lucky to be there. After rejecting some important media by pulling his head off and throwing it at them he insisted on meeting locals. That was when I entered the scene. He confessed that he was bored of Halloween Town and had decided to share the Christmas spirit with us here in Barcelona. After that, I tried to contact Santa on many occasions to give him the big news but every attempt was in vain. I just picked up this message from the answering machine: "I am out for my December holidays please leave your message...". It's funny, I swear I could hear a stifled voice, something, like: shh,erg, I hope I transcribed it correctly. But then again, it was problably a bad connection.

November 24, 2008

Kid Feeding Pigeons at Placa Catalunya, Barcelona

Kid Feeding Pigeons at Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona

While there's a happy kid on Earth, there will be hope. Nothing is more pure and sacred than a child's innocence. Nothing is more beautiful than a child's detached view of the world around him, free of all evil, ambition, prejudice and hate, wrong teachings and bad influence. The face of this kid reveals many things, things we once lived unknowingly, things we can have no more. We won't bring them back but we can work to guarantee that this happiness, the flame that moves this world, the joy of life forever lasts.

November 23, 2008


Girl waiting

A girl waiting at Maremagnum shopping center in Barcelona. I just liked the expression on her face.

November 22, 2008

The Secret Power of Fire

Fireplace Detail

For centuries, man has contemplated this scene. Infinite winters have passed since the very first ancestor took a branch on fire after the storm and tried to grab the magic light with obvious result. They, we, learned to handle it, to fear it, to worship it. We handed it down from one generation to another as one of the most vital assets in the archives of our common knowledge. Now, we know or think we know everything about fire. And still, after a whole eternity, we look into the fire, take a deep breath and let our souls wander into an unknown universe of thoughts, hypnotized by the flames that cannot be touched but keep us warm, just like the very first day.

November 21, 2008

Pa amb Tomaquet - Bread with Tomato

Pa amb Tomaquet - Bread with Tomato

Nothing like a good toast spread with tomato and some olive oil to accompany any kind of food. We call it pa amb tomaquet. Instead of using a slice of tomato to make a sandwich or pouring and spreading some tomato sauce on the bread we cut tomatoes into halves and gently spread them against the toast. You can first rub the bread with garlic, then you apply the tomato and finally you add some olive oil. That will serve as the basis for many ingredients like anchovies, ham, sausage or grilled aubergines, red peppers and onions sliced in strips aka escalivada among other things.

November 20, 2008

Man and Dog on Alley, Barri Gotic, Barcelona

Man and Dog on Alley, Barri Gotic, Barcelona

What's in an alley? They are just spaces surrounded by walls. I mean, if the buildings were not that close they would be plain ordinary streets. There's something in the atmosphere of an alley that is determined by its narrowness, an almost tangible sensation triggered by all kinds of stimuli. There's the bad smell of sewers, of damp walls, of mossy surfaces, the good smell of food or clean laundry coming from very close balconies. Your eyes are bombarded with rounds of large wooden doors and whimsical knockers, exuberant plants entangled in forest-like canopies, old lamps with elaborate ironwork, dark impossible staircases, eclectic windows with cat add-on included. And there's the sound, the sound of too friendly neighbors, their laughter, their cries, their TVs and door bells. The sound of the guys delivering butane gas shouting and clacking on the orange flask, the scissor and knife sharpener blowing his peculiar flute to make people come down. The noise of kids playing in the street like in the good old days. Such is the atmosphere of an alley, any Barcelona alley, like the one where this man is walking his dog.

November 19, 2008

USSR and US Medals at an Antique Shop in Barcelona

USSR and US Medals at Antique Shop,Barcelona

These medals represent or evoke important events in the history of USSR or the US. This image is the continuation to previous post: Antique Shops: German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past. Wars cannot be justified in any way, the mere fact that they exist means something is and was always wrong with humankind. Violence generates violence and sometimes you are drawn to it to defend your family, your land. These collectibles carry the memory of those that sacrificed their lives on some occasions for a better world, for survival, for next generations. In some other instances, they died in vain and were manipulated by their governments.

November 18, 2008

Antique Shops: German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past

German War Medals, Collecting a Horrible Past

I wasn't sure whether to publish this picture or not. Some things must be forgotten forever and this is a delicate topic that shouldn't be publicized in any way, purposely or by chance. Fortunately I have another image that clearly acts as a counterpart to this one. Well, both of the images contain medals, medals of war that were some day on some soldier's chest who was very proud to represent his country and was sent to war on many occasions without really comprehend the meaning or the goal of such war. But when we talk about the holocaust (some medals here are older) there is no possible forgiveness regarding those who were represented by some medals here cause no national policy or belief can justify genocide. Once said that I just wanted to contrast these antique articles in a small shop in Barcelona with some other medals displayed representing USSR or the US.

November 17, 2008

Cagatio or Pooping Log, A Christmas Catalan Tradition

Cagatio or Pooping Log, A Christmas Tradition in Catalonia

Another ancestral tradition of the Catalan people consists in bringing children in front of this magic log called Cagatio (pooping log) so it "excretes" Christmas gifts. Yes, the wooden buddy is supposed to poop those hidden treasures that kids pick up from under a red blanket conveniently covering the figure.

Before introducing their hands they are encouraged to repeatedly hit the log using a rod just in case, to warn the tió he'd better do as he's told. In the meantime, relatives or school friends, depending on the situation, sing this familiar song of which I will translate an excerpt. It is a folk song and popular lyrics tend to be rather "vulgar" so please overlook the many poops. First phrase is in Catalan and second in Spanish.

Caga tió -caga tió- poop tió,
ametlles i torró -almendras y turrón- almonds and nougat,
no caguis arangades -no cagues arenques- do not poop brined herring,
que són massa salades -que son demasiado salados- cause it's too salty,
caga torrons -caga turrones- do poop nougat,
que són més bons -que son más buenos- that is more tasty,
Caga tió -caga tió- poop tió,
ametlles i torró -almendras y turrón- almonds and nougat,
si no vols *** -si no quieres ***- if you refuse,
et donaré un cop de bastó -te daré un golpe de bastón- I'll hit you with this rod,
Caga tió! -caga tió- poop tió!

November 16, 2008

Barcelona Caganers: Rafa Nadal

Rafa Nadal Caganer Figure

Among the many traditions of Catalonia, there is one which is rather peculiar: the Caganers. These small figures that originally represented a payés (peasant) making "number two", are part of Catalan nativity scenes. There was a moment in history in which not only the peasant was characterized in this prosaic posture (feces included) but also celebrities, local authorities, religious men, international renown personalities, presidents. This year's sensation was Obama. I showed Fidel Castro and Bush together in a previous post. I visited Santa Llucia Christmas market and chose this one for you, number one tennis player Rafa Nadal. I suppose it is always pleasing to show people as they really are, deprived of all the aura and power. I hope you don't feel offended and get to understand this deep rooted tradition of ours.

November 15, 2008

Bad Weather, Bad Times

Portal de L'Angel, Woman Begging

On the most expensive street in Barcelona, Portal de l'Angel, comfort and poverty coexist. In the middle of this crisis beggars take the worse part, economy is going down the drain, consumers are not spending much and there's no money for charity. The weather seems to be rougher, the faces seem to be sadder. People wear last year's clothes, prefer to stay at home, talk less, worries about keeping the job and pray not to fall into disgrace. Yep, a very pessimistic panorama. Reality is tough and fairy tales sometimes don't have a happy ending. They say is going to last about two years. So we'll stick our heads beneath the sand and wait for the storm to pass. The barometer indicates low pressure apparently till further notice.
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